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I've on and off again spent time trying to find some replacement for Postgres for software I write. Postgres is wonderful but is also a heavy requirement for lots of little homelab services. I tend to run a Postgres instance for each service which takes quite a bit of memory and maintenance overhead.

In Rust-land there is DataFusion that has a SQL interface for querying and inserting data. Inserting data can be a bit messy though and seems very much not to be the focus.

DataFusion is integrated well with Delta though! Delta appears really interesting! It can use memory, filesystem, or remote storage. It supports write fairly well, including (fairly manually) the maintenance items that folks complain about with Postgres (compaction/vacuuming).

It took a day but I have a working prototype of creating a table on Minio, inserting data, and querying the table. Examples on Delta's site seem out of date and overly verbose at the same time.

Filed under: delta postgres minio datafusion
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