Test Sizes

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At AWeber we tend to write tests. A lot of them. I spend more time writing tests then features. My belief is that if a line of code isn't tested it wasn't important enough to write in the first place. You won't know when it breaks and now you're delivering broken software.

Testing isn't covered much in school. If your projects are only 2 weeks long and disappear after you've handed them in, testing doesn't prove it's worth. When tests are mentioned it's never anything practical, never how to test certain features, what parts are even worth testing?

My current project has 3 sets of tests, unit, integration, and acceptance tests. Google has small, medium, and large tests which roughly correspond to what we write.

Acceptance Tests

These are written first to tell us what we want from a feature. Usually these are structure as interaction stories of the Cucumber variety.

{% highlight bash %}
When a customer has a list of subscribers
And sends a message to the list
The subscribers receive the message
{% endhighlight %}

A common example, definitely a feature you want working. The tests are a little more complicated than that, including assertions to make sure certain steps execute as anticipated.

Integration tests

Integration tests started as a need to test various states of our database and queuing systems. They generally involve testing components to make sure they behave when everything isn't perfect.

What happens when a worker dies in the middle of a job?

Can another worker pick up the job immediately or does it require human intervention?

These stories enumerate the states our models can occupy. When an event comes in from the queue it may be the first, a duplicate, or a re-fired event from a failed worker. A simplified case for sending an email that can be either :

{% highlight bash %}
Trying to send
{% endhighlight %}

Our tests classes would cover the cases:

{% highlight bash %}
When sending a new email
When sending an email that is trying to send
When sending an email that is sending
When sending a sent email
{% endhighlight %}

Once we have the tests we can figure out which states are possible to recover from. These cases are much more difficult to cover in acceptance tests. They would require excessive test setup and extensive knowledge of our system.

Unit tests

We write unit tests to verify our implementation. This means mocking out as much as possible and isolating individual objects and functions. We use Dingus as our mocking library. At this point the feature is well defined and important test cases are covered, we can focus on how we want to solve them.

{% highlight bash %}
When sending an email
If email is New
Generate and send an email

When sending an email
If email is Trying to send, Sending, or Sent
Do not try and send the email
{% endhighlight %}

With tests of each size we gain greater confidence that our code is working and you can use them in a month when you forget how or why things were done this way.

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