Upgrading OmniOS is Surprisingly Easy

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As part of the process of shaving some yaks today I wound up needing to upgrade my development server to the latest version of OmniOS. I originally installed the LTS version and planned to stay there till the next release. It turns out there isn't much reason not to upgrade to the latest version. You will get needed security updates either way but be able to get around any bugs with OS-related things that have been fixed in the mean time.

The Upgrading to r151014 or later page had the needed information and worked quickly. I ran into an issue with the datasets for my zones causing the problem pkg: Unable to clone the current boot environment when trying to update with pkg. All the zones I care about are recreated with configuration management so I didn't have a problem destroying the dataset and recreating them. If it were production I would have at least snapshotted the needed datasets before destroying them.

For the next release I think I'll update a bit sooner!

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