What I want for a Queue System

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I've been interested in queue systems since first learning about and using RabbitMQ in ... 2009 (woah... it's been a minute). What I've learned through most of this is that:

  • People won't care as much as me
  • You can't make people care
  • If they don't care then it's even easier to make mistakes.

Redis is quite popular as a queue system and I've joined multiple companies/teams where Redis and Python-RQ were used for async tasks. Redis is wonderful and is a great solution to many problems (including async tasks!) but in the cases I have seen, it's been mostly an incomplete, improper solution.

Google Pub/Sub is pretty wonderful generally and the pattern I love most is combining Pub/Sub and Cloud Run for HTTP delivery of events. There are some limitations with this pattern but I love most of all the removal of many problems developers can cause.

Event -> HTTP -> Service makes handling events much easier.

  • It's difficult to run tasks for hours from a single HTTP request
  • Handling of events requires little knowledge of a particular library
  • Much of the complexity doesn't need to be in the app
  • Removing the complexity from the app makes it easier for more apps to use it, without lots of work

I can't run Pub/Sub and Cloud Run at my house though.

What I want from a queue system

  • HTTP and/or GRPC submission of events to the queue system
  • HTTP and/or GRPC push to a service
  • Possible to run in a home environment, but not the-worst-idea in a larger environment
  • Back-pressure. When too many events are in the system the publishing will slow down.
  • Easy to run and not worry about it
  • Small idle footprint in memory/CPU
  • Horizontal scalability. If it's ever used in production somewhere, adding capacity should be easy.

What I don't need from a queue system

  • Super high throughput. 10k events per second is wonderful... but if it can do 100 and scales out, I'm not too worried.
  • Perfect durability. I'll assume that at some point data might be lost and those outliers are OK.
  • Perfect deliverability. I normally add end-to-end checks for data that a dropped event will only cause a delay, not a consistency problem.

What to do about it

I haven't found exactly what I'm looking for in other systems. Since I'm mostly scratching a self-hosting itch at the moment I'm looking to throw together a sample system to solve my problem, never expecting it to go beyond that (although maybe it will be useful for someone else?)

As I learn Rust, connecting Axum, Rust channels and Reqwest should get me pretty far.

And the real goal here is to use a simple enough system similar to what I'd recommend for production use cases with cloud services (and not my homegrown thing).

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