Send Webmentions with Github Actions

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As I start working with webmentions I needed to find a way to publish webmentions as part of the build/release process for this site. I'm currently using Github Actions to build the site and upload to Netlify. came up frequently when I searched around for how to publish webmentions. It supports RSS/Atom as a feed, although the docs suggest using IFTTT to trigger webhooks. Github Actions can do that though! For whatever reason didn't seen to find any links in my feed. As I was trying to figure out why by using the command line I discovered that the CLI version was able to find the links in my feed!

Adding this as a step post-release

- name: Send Webmentions
  run: |
    npm install @remy/webmention
    npx webmention ${{ secrets.WEBMENTION_TARGET_URL }} --limit=0 --send

In my pull-requests I have a variation of this, removing --send and using the temporary Netlify URL for the PR so I can see what webmentions would be sent.

As part of using my atom feed for this I now only include the last 10 posts in my feed to avoid sending lots of old webmentions, most of which didn't seem to work as the links are dead.

Comment or reply by webmention.