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Making a pr to SQLx to add Postgres lquery arrays. This took less time than I expected to try and fix. More time was spent wrangling my various projects to use a local sqlx dependency.

Postgres ltree has a wonderful ? operator that will check an array of lquerys. I plan to use this to allow filtering multiple labels in my expense tracker.

ltree ? lquery[] → boolean
lquery[] ? ltree → boolean
    Does ltree match any lquery in array?

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I love sqlx and type checked queries but always found it annoying to duplicate a bunch of queries vs using the dynamic query builder (which isn't type checked). Using Option and NULLs seems to improve things though!

// Postgres version
let ids = sqlx::query_as!(
    "SELECT id FROM users \
     WHERE ($1::timestamptz IS NULL OR updated_at < $1) \
       AND ($2::timestamptz IS NULL OR updated_at > $2) \
       AND ($3::boolean IS NULL OR is_guest = $3)",
