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Making a pr to SQLx to add Postgres lquery arrays. This took less time than I expected to try and fix. More time was spent wrangling my various projects to use a local sqlx dependency.

Postgres ltree has a wonderful ? operator that will check an array of lquerys. I plan to use this to allow filtering multiple labels in my expense tracker.

ltree ? lquery[] → boolean
lquery[] ? ltree → boolean
    Does ltree match any lquery in array?

Posted on

Saw a green heron looking for food.

Filed under: birding green-heron

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I'm trying to figure out if I can create Service Accounts in Kanidm and get a JWT that will work with pREST. pREST can be configured to use a .well-known URL to pull a JWK. This would allow me to give a long-lived service account API key to each service and keep token generation out of my services.

It looks like not yet! But they seem to be aware of this use case.

Filed under: jwk jwt prest kanidm

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ActivityPub is definitely "faster" for conversations for seeing and responding to replies. That in many ways is not be a good thing.

Posted on

Similar to previous Glitter Litter, the Streets Department is getting in on the action. This card was in our handrail, and many copies like it littered the street. A+

Filed under: litter

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Teable looks interesting but doesn't seems to call out what is limited without the enterprise version.

Filed under: teable

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2 projects listed in This Week in Self-Hosted (27 September 2024): AirTrail and Hoarder. I don't use either, but good to see more self-host stuff adding OIDC!

Posted on

Giving Mathesar a try for a "life CMS". I loved Notion databases for easily creating structured data and linking between items and have been trying various things to replace it. Maybe this will be it! I like that it's specifically Postgres (as that's most of my homelab). It's missing a good mobile interface and OIDC though.

Posted on

I spent 90 minutes dehulling soybeans by hand. Wish I tried the food processor

Filed under: food

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I love sqlx and type checked queries but always found it annoying to duplicate a bunch of queries vs using the dynamic query builder (which isn't type checked). Using Option and NULLs seems to improve things though!

// Postgres version
let ids = sqlx::query_as!(
    "SELECT id FROM users \
     WHERE ($1::timestamptz IS NULL OR updated_at < $1) \
       AND ($2::timestamptz IS NULL OR updated_at > $2) \
       AND ($3::boolean IS NULL OR is_guest = $3)",


Posted on

In a couple cases I've seen my feed reader "catch up" lots of posts at once, where I thought I've missed items or things were backdated and found again. This has mostly happened with folks who seem to use Ghost (Molly White's micro posts and Support Human)

The data flow I'm using is [Site RSS] -> [Miniflux] -> [Reeder]

Posted on

Getting w2z setup to support lists of strings in the CMS. First time using _hyperscript to add/remove items in a list. Working really well so far!

Filed under: w2z hyperscript

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Added recommendation for Pro Publica

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New version of Reeder now out. I've been using Reeder (now Reeder Classic) since ~2012 (v2.5.4 from what I can tell in old email receipts).

This new version is a redesign that doesn't seem relevant for me at least. The single timeline view isn't how I want to view feeds but I can see how that is what many people might be used to coming from social media.

Posted on

It looks like Github branch rulesets allow setting a bypass for specific app integrations! This should allow my Github app to avoid making a branch, PR, and auto-merging... which would be nice eventually!

First time giving rulesets a try

Filed under: github

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I'm exploring using Github Apps for w2z instead of fine-grained personal access tokens (PATs). Replacing PATs every 90 days is a bit tedious. Eventually the app flow should give a better experience.

Filed under: github w2z

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you should know that if the algorithm chooses you it has nothing to do with the quality or value of your work. And I mean literally nothing. The algorithm is nothing more than a capitalist predator, seeking to consume what it can, monetize it quickly, then toss aside. If you make the algorithm your audience, you get very good at creating for an audience of machines rather than humans. Creating for humans is harder, it may get you ignored by the algorithm, but your work will be better for it, and it will find an audience in time.

Filed under: quote

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Saw Daybreak via Simon Clark and would love to give it a go at some point! The collaborative nature of the game and the reality of climate action seems really appealing.

Daybreak Box

Filed under: wishlist

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Duralex espresso cup

Don't really need any new espresso cups, but maybe if I break any I should give these a try.

Filed under: wishlist duralex

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Based on a Github issue I was able to get a collection with Zola taxonomies writing the proper TOML-frontmatter format.

- ...
  - label: "Taxonomies"
    name: "taxonomies"
    widget: "object"
    - { label: "Tags", name: "tags", widget: "list", allow_add: true}

This is written out into the frontmatter as

tags = ["tag"]
Filed under: zola decapcms toml