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Cool looking Rust crate registry, Cratery. OAuth login, S3 storage. Guess could setup Litestream for DB storage as well.


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Last spring we found it slightly too cold to go camping when we otherwise had the chance. Maybe time to pick up a warmer sleeping bag.


Filed under: wishlist

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Don’t really need another camping stove… but this looks interesting

Filed under: wishlist

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I was confused when I didn't see a Vegan label on a Silk carton. I'm not really less confused after reading the FAQ.

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I was able to get tracecontext passthrough to OTel working! I was missing the opentelemetry_sdk::trace::TracerProvider which pulls in the infomation to help build the OTel data that gets sent to collectors.

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A new sqlparser release pushed out my changes for supporting declare-schema! I released 0.0.1 but haven't gone through and updated my services yet.

In a month or so of using the dev version of declare-schema in my services I've had a good time! Since I wrote it with my mental model for services in mind, it works as I want it to! The library itself would probably wind up with significant data loss for others.

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Interesting to see Rust Otel discussing the friction for (tokio)-tracing. Tracing with DataDog was really convenient. I always wanted to get our shop moved to Otel to eventually be able to move away from DataDog though, partially due to pricing, partially due to more adoption of Google Cloud and not wanting to ship data out just for tracing.

I lean towards wanting tokio-tracing to be a/the supported case. I haven't found a solution with Otel that I really like. The initial setup has always seemed tricky, and with a cross-cutting concern like tracing, adopting Otel seems heavyweight. A single ecosystem (Otel) across language stacks is super appealing. At this point I'm mostly writing Rust things though so that isn't a huge selling point for me.

I do finally have a tracing setup in a lib that is working well, but haven't gotten distributed tracing going yet. I'm fine adopting Otel for wire formats but I'd like to keep tracing in my app. I've yet to find a good way to thread W3C tracecontext into Otel output.

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Works for me to try cleaning out a Docker registry: Docker Registry Cleaner. Keeps the last N images of each repo as determined by a label on the image.

On each deploy to my homelab I set a label on the image to be used so this cleans up images I'm no longer using.

Super alpha-y state... will likely result in data loss!

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I think I've always had a pleasant time upgrading my NixOS boxes. For my homelab servers

sudo nix-channel --add nixos
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
sudo reboot

Has "just worked". Keeping most of my lab stuff in Nomad helps with this as well as there isn't much that will change at the OS level, mostly Nomad, Consul, and Vault.

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Charles Schwab seems to fall into a frustrating trap. An ACH transfer can be "complete" but there is still more to do (clear).

You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

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Worked on a PR for sqlparser to struct-ify some things. Part of making a SQL create table declarative way to generate SQL migrations at runtime. I had a version in Erlang before and enjoyed it enough that I want it in Rust.

sqlmo does part of the migration generation piece and I'm working to add some pieces there as well.

I missed a release of sqlparser though so the embed-able version of my lib will need to wait for merge/release before I can push my version to The bin version of it will be something like the atlas OSS tool, but without any cloud component.

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At some point I want to try Wired Elements for styling of personal projects to help present the roughness for which I usually leave my projects...

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Definitely caught off guard with readTimeout in Traefik. Upping that fixed frequently-dying Postgres connections though!

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DNSimple sent me an email with the subject:


and the body:


I assume someone there clicked something too soon.

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There is a Terraform fork and a Vault fork. Are there Consul and Nomad forks yet?

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Seeing more and more Github repos with renovate.json files as folks switch from Dependabot to Renovate. The app makes setup super easy. I'm pleased with it so far for the ~10 repos I've moved over.

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I never really followed many folks on Nostr but I did at least update my Nostr -> RSS bridge to linkify URLs. A step towards embedding appropriate image/video tags in the RSS feed when things look like images/videos.

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There is an open PR to improve Docker registry garbage collection. It helps clean up multi-arch images, which I tend to pull a bunch.

Giving it a try with a personal build it wound up reducing my registry size by about 50%!

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In today's "Solving Problems I Create For Myself" news:

I updated my `docker-prefetch-image daemon to attempt pulling from alternative Docker repositories in the event an image pull fails.

This fixes the case where updating my Docker Repository infrastructure prevents pulling/running new Docker images. Now the prefetching will attempt to pull from my local repository and fall back to Docker Hub, then tag the image as if it came from my repository.

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The Miniflux option on feeds ‘Disable HTTP/2 to avoid fingerprinting’ seems to fix any feeds that seem to be blocked (maybe by Cloudflare?).

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Having an EV charger at vacation house is such a quality-of-life improvement. We didn’t seek out a house with a charger, but now I think we always will.

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So I don't forget...

As seen on Reddit ...:

Don't forget to set the viewport when starting a new site

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

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Been having a good time lately playing Strands

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By far the best vegan meatballs we've made have been the It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken Vegan Italian Meatballs. Previous recipes we've tried have been black bean based. They tend not to hold together well enough. These ones don't fall apart!

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I recently tried running OpenLLM in my homelab. It was super nice to setup and run but pretty poor performance running models on CPU. A GGUF model on HF was running pretty quickly but OpenLLM doesn't seem to support GGUF.

Running text-generation-webui with a Mistral GGUF model has been really nice. The performance on an AMD Ryzen 3 5300U is super usable!

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New Docker image for electrs with the 0.10.3 release.

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Adding notes as something separate from posts. As I start to add IndieWeb things!