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Seeing more and more Github repos with renovate.json files as folks switch from Dependabot to Renovate. The app makes setup super easy. I'm pleased with it so far for the ~10 repos I've moved over.

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I never really followed many folks on Nostr but I did at least update my Nostr -> RSS bridge to linkify URLs. A step towards embedding appropriate image/video tags in the RSS feed when things look like images/videos.

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There is an open PR to improve Docker registry garbage collection. It helps clean up multi-arch images, which I tend to pull a bunch.

Giving it a try with a personal build it wound up reducing my registry size by about 50%!

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In today's "Solving Problems I Create For Myself" news:

I updated my `docker-prefetch-image daemon to attempt pulling from alternative Docker repositories in the event an image pull fails.

This fixes the case where updating my Docker Repository infrastructure prevents pulling/running new Docker images. Now the prefetching will attempt to pull from my local repository and fall back to Docker Hub, then tag the image as if it came from my repository.

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The Miniflux option on feeds ‘Disable HTTP/2 to avoid fingerprinting’ seems to fix any feeds that seem to be blocked (maybe by Cloudflare?).

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Having an EV charger at vacation house is such a quality-of-life improvement. We didn’t seek out a house with a charger, but now I think we always will.

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So I don't forget...

As seen on Reddit ...:

Don't forget to set the viewport when starting a new site

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

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Been having a good time lately playing Strands

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By far the best vegan meatballs we've made have been the It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken Vegan Italian Meatballs. Previous recipes we've tried have been black bean based. They tend not to hold together well enough. These ones don't fall apart!

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I recently tried running OpenLLM in my homelab. It was super nice to setup and run but pretty poor performance running models on CPU. A GGUF model on HF was running pretty quickly but OpenLLM doesn't seem to support GGUF.

Running text-generation-webui with a Mistral GGUF model has been really nice. The performance on an AMD Ryzen 3 5300U is super usable!

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New Docker image for electrs with the 0.10.3 release.

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Adding notes as something separate from posts. As I start to add IndieWeb things!